Rezija - Resia

cultura e tradizioni


29 Nov 2011 - 20:00


mestni trg

On Tuesday, November 29. in cinema-theater in Tolmin will be a concert in memory of the pianist, composer and ethnomusicologist Ella von Schultz Adaïewsky. Pianist Andrea Rucli, Sopran Claudia Grimaz. Luigia Negro, president of the cultural association “Rozajanski Dum” will present the event.

W tarok 29 dnuw novembarja na ne 8 zvëčara tu-w Tolmino ćë bet dan koncert za spomanot Ello von Schultz Adaïewsky. Ćë zwonet Andrea Rucli, ćë pët Claudia Grimaz. Pražantala bo Luigia Negro, prešident od čirkola “Rozajanski Dum”.

Associazione Culturale Museo Della Gente Della Val Resia

Via Udine, 12 - 33010 Resia/Rezija (UD)
tel./fax. +39 0433 53428
P.IVA: 02602880300 - C.F.: 93009830303