Rezija - Resia

cultura e tradizioni


12 Nov 2011 - 21:00

“Österreichischer Abend”

Prato di Resia
Via Varcota, 1

The folk group “Val Resia” organizes for Saturday, November 12, 2011, at the cultural center “Rozajanska Kultürska Hïša” an “Austrian evening” with photos and videos of the group’s recent participation at the “Alpe Adria Festival”.

Associazione Culturale Museo Della Gente Della Val Resia

Via Udine, 12 - 33010 Resia/Rezija (UD)
tel./fax. +39 0433 53428
P.IVA: 02602880300 - C.F.: 93009830303